Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

This is a photo of me at my Citizenship Party (at Angel of Joy Lutheran Church) back in October, 2003. I had fulfilled all the requirements to be an American Citizen and had passed the test with 100%. (I was actually sworn in at the beginning of 2004. The procedure was lots of work and we were happy to conclude it. (The great hat was a gift from my friend, Bonnie!)

As I look back on that party now, I think we probably could have made the party even more special if we had realized that Judge Barry Bryan was in attendance and he could have sworn me in.

It was a really super party with about half of the Lufkin Community Band (where Hubby plays clarinet). The played lots of patriotic music and many of their spouses attended as well.

About 150 people came and went that night and parties don't get much better!

God Bless all those American Men and Women who are away from home today serving us around the world to keep our country free. Freedom comes at a price and God Bless all those families who have lost a loved one in this Service.

Hope you have a wonderful celebration and get to hear lots of great patriotic music today.

In our area, we also have Attorney Mike Love & Associates along with Brookshire Brothers providing a mammoth fireworks display at the Ellen Trout Zoo in Lufkin. Thanks for supporting our community, Mike!

God Bless America!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember well It was a great party! And the hat is just soooo cool. I've always liked hats and thought I looked pretty good in them but have not warn one in years. Happy 4th. God Bless!!