Monday, October 1, 2012

Some Thoughts Before . . .

Tomorrow I will be having eye surgery on my right eye. Probably because we have had so many life-changing events over the past four months, I thought about the "what if".

I don't really live that way now that I am older. I have a great Hubby, great Church, a few great friends and, of course, a wonderful dog! I am blessed.

The other day, my Nova Scotia sister-in-law posted some fall pictures and so, today I thought about showing you what is probably THE most beautiful sight healthy eyes can see . . . as far as scenery goes. I took this five years ago when we were there in autumn. When you have the opportunity: go to Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia.

Yesterday I was Liturgist at Church . . . and lots of people helped me up and down the steps. (Yup, don't walk as well as I used to.) I did fine. No, I don't have a photo to show you, but I can picture in my mind very easily some people who came to church on a rainy day . . . not because I was helping but because they hadn't been there in a while. That was really a blessing! (Kinda funny: it rained the last time I was Litergist!)

I am thinking about Tom Darr . . . who drove Hubby over to have cataract surgery and how they stopped on the way back to have breakfast. He and Liz are in Pennsylvania now, but through Facebook, I can keep in touch.

I am thinking about my precious Shih Tzu, Fanny, who lost an eye. She never gave up and a very fond memory is of her modelling a T-Shirt at the Toronto Sportsman Show, oh, probably 25 years ago. Her shirt said (yes, yes, to all my teachers . . . a talking T-shirt), "FOUR ON THE FLOOR"! She walked out fine with her good eye toward the audience, enjoying the attention. I held her up so all could see her shirt and everyone was clapping and laughing. Fanny loved that! When we started to walk back, she balked . . . because she could not see the crowd. From the wings, the Editor of Dogs in Canada was calling to me, "Pick Her Up!"

Gotta love precious memories and I have so many. If you really think about it, you have some great memories too! You just don't realize what an interesting life you have . . .

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