Sunday, February 20, 2011

James White: Accountable Politician - You Are Going To Like This Man!

This election marked the first time my Hubby ever put an election sign on the lawn. We heard a lot about James White and one of our friends was working on his campaign.

Well . . . guess what? James White was elected!

Yes, James is now a first-term Republican Representative for Texas State House District 12. He invites people to visit him at the Capital office - E2.720 in the Capitol Extension. You can phone him at his Capital Office (512-463-0490) or e-mail him at

Soon, James' Lufkin Office will be open as well.

The first week he was in Austin, I got to meet James at a Chamber of Commerce First Friday Luncheon.

What really sets James White apart from other politicians I have known is how accessible he makes himself!

James is a school teacher in East Texas and also has a farm (well, okay, a ranch). He cares about people and naturally he cares about education.

At the Chamber meeting, James had a presentation showing a flow chart of the Education hierarchy here. Now, first he told us that he had trouble fitting it on the one page. Then he told us that when he clicked on some of the squares, there was another grid that come up on his computer. So, what James was telling us is that there are too many people and too much money being wasted. You just knew from listening to how sincerely and quietly James spoke, that down-sizing waste was going to be a priority for him in Austin (the Texas capital).

James is on Facebook and also writes a column each Sunday in our local newspaper outlining what is happening.

When I think about James, I recall one of the first politicians I knew back when I was about 20 in Toronto. His name was Len Reilly, a locksmith and every time I saw him he would say hello and quote my street address.

Well, that was then and this is now but I think that James will remember each of us every time he sees us (although he might not quote an address).

You gotta love a person so sincere and pleasant when he speaks. This man is not a "politician", but more my neighbour who has gone to the Capital to see if he can make my life a little easier.

God Bless James White!
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