Friday, March 25, 2011

Father John Corapi

Father John Corapi, originally uploaded by Pray the Rosary.

"It is my personal opinion, one which is in accord with the mind of the Church, that you will profit very much by praying the holy Rosary every day. The prayer of the Rosary is the prayer of the holy Gospel, the Good News Who is Jesus. My best piece of spiritual advice to you, no matter who you are,…PRAY THE ROSARY EVERY DAY! You will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. God bless you." Father John Corapi.

Hubby and I came across Fr. John Corapi several years ago on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network). His life story is one of having been to hell and crawling his way back to become priest (ordained by Pope John Paul in the Vatican) about twenty years ago. He speaks with knowledge and clarity and although we are not Catholics, his message came through to us loud and clear.

If you go to Father Corapi's website you can see his message of how on Ash Wednesday, his world fell apart with charges from a former staff member of Santa Cruz Media, the company who markets his DVDs and CDs as well as booking him for his speaking engagements. Fr. Corapi has written a book due to be presented in the fall in October.

It is my hope that some fine lawyer will see this as a time to offer his services to Fr. Corapi pro bono.

I am more than disturbed by the application of guilty until proven innocent which is opposed to the laws of the United States of America.

To learn more about Father Corapi, visit his website at

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