Sunday, March 28, 2010

America - The Land Of The Free: Have We Distorted The Meaning Of That?

Joe Biden's zipper is open, originally uploaded by DonkeyHotey.

This week I was just sort of wondering if perhaps some people take our Freedom a little to extremes.

So, this is The Land where the Vice President can say - quite clearly, while a microphone is open - an obsenity as he is introducing the President?

So, this is The Land where a teenager posing with others for a photo of their "Against Drugs" Group with a skirt just barely covering her thighs and high heels?

So, this is The Land where an 80-year-old former Astronaut (Buzz Aldren) thinks it is a good idea to compete on the rigorous, not to mention foolish and sometimes rude Dancing With The Stars?

What are these people thinking? Yes, we have the freedom to be as foolish as we wish, but perhaps that is not what our Founding Fathers were hoping for!

Please remember to pray every night for President Barack Obama. In case you have forgotten, if anything should happen to him, Joe Biden, or next in line, Nancy Pelosi would become President.

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