Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Is a Little Girl in a Red Dress . . . and Other Memories

christmas dress 8 by Southern June Bugs
christmas dress 8, a photo by Southern June Bugs on Flickr.

When I was about this little girl's age, I had a red velvet dress too. Something about red velvet that makes it perfect for Christmas!

This year, a couple of Sundays ago, we (the choir) were singing The Cantata in the loft facing the congregation. When we came toward the end, I saw a young girl stand up and lean with her arms over the back of the pew in front. She was smiling very wide and I teared up to see someone so young familiar with the music. (Yes, she was wearing a red velvet dress.)

Of course, the big thrill was the standing ovation the congregation gave us when we finished. Wow . . . all that practicing seemed easy now!

There were delightful cookies and egg nog in the narthex after.

A lady was waiting to thank me for the note I had sent her.

Another gal came up to show me she was wearing the little angel pin I had given her the night we decorated the tree in the sanctuary.

Christmas season can be a time of extremes and this year, I wanted to make it very, very simple. The house was decorated simply. Meals were simple.

Now, most things are away and we are looking to a new year.

We have so many blessings and we know it. As we get older, we try to simplify and make it easier on ourselves.

On New Year's Eve, we will watch Dick Clark who has never given up. I admire him for that!

For everyone who has lost someone this year or who has illness themselves or in their family, we are praying.

And we will be back in church on Sunday to sing more of the season's beautiful music.

God Bless . . . especially little girls in red velvet!