Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting Life Over . . . on Dancing With The Stars

Not going to bore you with too many details because if you are watching Dancing With The Stars, you already know that both Chaz Bono and JR Martinez have something in common: they are both starting their lives over.
Think about this as you watch the program. Think about how brave both these people have been to put their whole lives on national TV - live at that!
Tonight may be the night that Chaz Bono has too low a score to stay. But that's all right! He may not be the most elegant dancer, but he has a smile that encourages you to take a second look at a person who, born to celebrity parents found himself a man in a woman's body and had the courage to change that.

JR Martinez had his face blown to pieces fighting for our freedom. Now, he is starting his life all over again also.
Hopefully, viewers will learn from these two people that life is not nearly as frivolous as the media has often shown it to be. God Bless them both!

Note: Both Chaz Bono & JR Martinez with be back next week - thanks in part to viewer votes - and Chaz' mother, Cher will be there.