Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Time . . .

Today, yes today, we wrapped some Christmas gifts. By doing a little each day, we'll be finished the work part and able to enjoy the holidays! If you haven't been shopping yet, go when it is an off time, if you can. Think about going to the store when it is raining or snowing so there will be less people at the store!

Christmas is about family not about working. So do your wrapping ahead so you can enjoy yourself. Decorating the tree is fun when you do it together. So, that will not really be a job! 

Baking cookies is something you might like to do together also. Many hands make light work and you'll all be able to enjoy this festive season.

Hope you are starting off the season on the right foot with an excellent attitude! It is not the gifting, it's seeing family and friends and being together! Everyone knows there is less money to spend this year, so forget that and be blessed, not stressed!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

For Your Best Holiday Season Ever - Take It Easy!

Lots of people purchase holiday gifts well in advance. We try to do that. This weekend, we will be assembling what we have purchased. Did we get something for everyone? Will they like it? 

I suspect that we are not much different from most people this year in that we have tried to find suitable gifts at economical cost. (After all, we do like to be able to eat and pay bills and everything did go up this year.) 

Hubby has always left this up to me and I suspect this is the case in many households. 

I have been hearing a few stories about how folks are treating each other at the stores. 

Of course right now there are massive sales and there were flyers indicating unbelievable low prices on premium items. That was if you were at the store before dawn and if there were any of that store’s quota left by the time you got to the item. Then, of course, you had to line up to pay for your “fantastic buy”. 

Now, that scenario is not for me, but I did hear a few stories from people who did brave the battle. There was rudeness and bumping and some people actually were physically harmed. In a New York Wal-Mart some one was killed. This just might not be what the holiday season should be about! 

We are looking forward to family coming in from South Korea and Los Angeles. We are going to finally meet significant others. 

The thrill of seeing family gathered together is very special. That trumps all gifts. The Christmas Eve buffet at our house after Church service could be a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly and a loaf of plain white bread. It won’t be, but I don’t imagine what is on that buffet table will come close to the crushing hugs for the young people we haven’t seen in over a year. 

We will not be the only family overwhelmed by just seeing in person those who have been far away, some serving our country and some building their careers and lives. 

We’ll be thinking about the decorations that were up last time they were home and serving the shrimp with the same cocktail sauce they had the last time. 

You see, all the time we have been missing them, they have been thinking about how it was last time they were here. 

I can do that! I can make it as much like it was last time as possible! 

Of course, Ava will be the big difference! They are going to realize how long since they were home when they see Ava. She is no longer a baby in arms but a little person, running, reaching, touching and smiling. Ava has her own thoughts and ideas and she is busy all the time! 

So, we have a list of food to serve and we will pick up the staple items this week, well in advance. We have the list of what to order to pick up at the last moment. 

We will try to place the decorations as we always do and then we will try to rest to be in optimum health to enjoy this time. 

At church, on Christmas Eve, it has always been a special time for me. Of course, some people will go elsewhere but we are fortunate that many of the families will come home. There will be lots of hugging and greeting and looking to see how everybody looks. Every year, I look at the young people and realize they have their own lives now. For twelve years, I have been watching them grown each year. When I look at their parents, I see how happy they are to have them home. I see their pride! 

We also have grandparents come in and every year they delight in seeing their families and many enjoying a little warmer weather for a while. 

At choir, we are working on special music – a little tougher than usual – to sing at our candlelit service. 

Where does “Black Friday” and Shopping Madness fit into this scenario? It doesn’t . . . not at all. 

Just have those Hershey’s kisses (wrapped in red and green foil) in the dish they remember. Have the decorations like you had them last time, and put out some extra chairs for the new members of the family. 

Make everything like they remember it because that’s what they’ve been thinking about when they booked their flights and planned their trips. Get lots of rest because you’re going to need plenty of energy to give those extra long hugs. Don’t forget the tissue box on a living room table. (Actually, Ava likes to pull the tissues out of the pop-up box now, so it’s not just for happy tears!) 

And, if you are working too long hours and run out of time, just do the sensible thing: order pizzas – two or three different kinds and sit back. 

Get rested up and stay away from the craziness. Your children and grandchildren can get a meal anywhere in the world – even in a mess hall or in the back of a Humvee – but they’re coming home to see you! Make it just like they have been remembering it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Have a Family Day Today!

This picture is from last year with Ava and Daddy and a plate full of Thanksgiving fixings. I liked the various pictures from this day because all of a sudden, Ava was not really a baby anymore!

(Speaking of people we knew as babies - Carolyn Kennedy is 51 today. That puts our lives into perspective! )

We seniors try hard to learn to enjoy these special moments without thinking about our age, our pains, our mortality. Family is important to us and today we will gather at in-laws and of course, Ava will be there. As I have said before, I hope you have an Ava in your gathering!

Today - in United States - is a day to appreciate what we have and forget for just today the economy. We know very bad things are happening - today it is half-way round the globe from us as well as some at home. We try to keep up with world events, but we also know we will go crazy if we just sit in front of the tube.

For our Canadian friends - I know you enjoy the Macy's Parade which usually includes some of the Toronto Santa Claus Parade. I do remember Dad taking me down to UTS School to watch the parade from the principal"s office on Bloor Street. It was magic!

Yes, I know a lot of you will be watching football and lots of you will also fall asleep after all that beautiful food!

I want Ava to have some of this magic. For our friends and relatives in Cape BretonNova Scotia - she is getting a shirt from there today - that makes her a fisherman! She will LOVE it! For Ava's other GG I have a photo, framed - the one of Ava looking in the curio cabinet. It is on this blog in one of the old posts. She will LOVE that!

And Happy Thanksgiving to our Bush First Family - speedy recovery to Barbara who is in hospital in Houston after surgery for a perferated ulcer. Our Presidential Family are very family-oriented. I know the hospital will have a little treat for Barbara, my favorite baseball fan.

And Happy Thanksgiving to our newest First Family - The Obamas - 60 people will join them at their Chicago home for Potluck! Hope the girls have all their chores done! The Barbara Walters' interview yesterday was a very special insight into these extraordinary yet very real folks who will soon move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

May God Bless you with joy today and times to remember throughout the year.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Beautiful Smile Gone

Many of us are in more of a routine that we like to admit. Perhaps it is a sign we are getting older, or even that we are older. 

Every Wednesday, I get my hair done at Mane Attraction on Frank Street in Lufkin. It is owned by a lady named Guesna and her daughter, Erika actually does my hair.  

(Erika’s hubby, John, his brother Mark and sister-in-law, Lacy, take care of Buddy the Lhasa’s hair . . .  so we keep it in the family.) 

I walk in there at 1:00 p.m. each Wednesday and say "Hello" to Audrey Dixon who was one of Guesna's first customers. 

The thing I first noticed when I met Audrey a few years ago is that her hair pretty much looks as good coming in as it does when she is leaving. She has good-textured white hair in what we used to call a pageboy. She has the kind of hair everyone wishes they had. She has relied on Guesna to keep her hair looking this way for lo these many years. 

Every week on Wednesday, after Audrey Dixon, it was June Arnett's turn. June, the widow of a doctor, always had a sweet smile for everyone.  She always had something nice to say. 

June's health had deteriorated these past few years and she was living at a retirement community.  Marion, a beautiful lady in her own right, was helping June each day these past few years. Every Wednesday, we would ask, 

“Is Mrs. A. coming today?” 

Some days she just was not well enough to come.  

The days June was able to come, Marion would assist her along the walk and up the two steps. Guesna would open the door for them and help them into the shampoo room.  

You see, Mane Attraction is a family. We know each other and worry about each other and help each other.  

Myself, I long ago stopped even looking to see what Erika is doing with my hair because she is so skilled at making it look its best. Why shouldn't I just chat to her and the others assembled there? 

Some weeks, I get to see our cousin, Kay Goodwin - a busy gal (mother of five) that we don't see very often.  

After I am finished, Linda Smelley is next and so we chat before it is time for Linda to get her hair shampooed and me to be on my way. Linda is Director of C.I.S.C. (Christian Information Services Center).  People who have fallen on tough times can go there to get food and other essentials they need.  

Yes, it is a special place, not like any other hair salon I have ever known. We are family! 

Today, I sort of wish I weren't going.   

June Arnett died yesterday at 2:00 p.m. 

So not Marion, her daughter, June, or even one of her sons will bring June up the path today. I know we will all be looking out the window like we usually do, watching for her. 

Every week, June would wear a smart blouse and tidy slacks and her best smile. She used to travel and we would hear about going to Ireland or into Houston to visit family. She had pretty jewelry she loved to wear.  

But mostly there was that special smile! It was a sweet, quiet smile and it was for everyone. 

In latter times, each of us made sure we went over to talk to June, to give her a compliment, and a hug.  Sometimes, I gave her a little kiss. Such a sweet lady! 

So, it’s time to get ready to go get my hair done. It’s time to realize that others will really miss June also.  

It’s also good to know that as we get older, there are people who genuinely like us – even love us.  It’s good to know they will be watching for us coming up the path so they can open the door and help us inside to be greeted by friends.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Scrapbooks As Gifts

As this is a year when we are looking for the biggest bang for our Christmas gift buck, I’d like to suggest to scrapbookers – or “croppers” – that making a book for someone else is a very personal gift. It will be a well-received and very personal gift. 

If you have ever scrapbooked, now would be a good time to get back at it. I personally find cropping very calming and so that would combine relaxing and gifting at the same time! Many scrapbook stores have “crop sessions” and you will be able to share tools and get advice and ideas from the owner/teacher there. As an aside, you will also make new friends. 

If someone has a had a new baby in their family this year, that could be a fine topic. Weddings are great themes. Trips, baptisms, graduation, camp, church: whatever you have available in photos you can create as a subject for your book. 

At your local scrapbook store, you will find beautiful papers that will spark up the photos and make your book one-of-a-kind.  You can embellish your pages with flowers, brads, stickers, rub-ons, and various designs. Just using your imagination, you will be surprised how interesting your pages will be. 

One item some people like to do is recipe books. You can print a recipe out on your computer and place it on special food-themed papers. You will find really cute embellishments to kick your pages up a little. Most people would use a small 8” x 8” book for this. 

I think the 12” x 12” page lends itself to the most interesting layouts, but I do design 8-1/2” x 11 pages for some books I gift. Most often the reason I use smaller layouts is that the book is easier for the recipient to handle. 

Think about making this very personal gift for friends and family.  The recipient will be really pleased and you will have a fine sense of accomplishment.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Holidays and Special People

I was writing Christmas cards today and will polish them off tomorrow. I do like to receive cards. They update us on the folks we don't see everyday, especially those who do not e-mail regularly or touch base on Facebook. 

This evening, we caught the promo for next week's Boston Legal, only to find out that Denny Crane is going to be diagnosed in early stages of Alzeheimer's. I hate that. I hate it that we know so little about that disease. Keith & I try hard to keep our minds active. The hard part is that the people we have known with Alzeheimer's also seemed to be active. We just don't have answers on that.

Harry Farmer is back to winter in Texas and we like that a lot! Harry is coming up to 95 and is still right on top of it all!  We'll see him in church every Sunday and spend some time with him during his stay. He's from Illinois - just like Keith and is very much like Keith's father was. Everyone should know a Harry Farmer. 

We have our gifts bought, have been practicing with Choir, and we are expecting Granddaughter Meghan to be home for a few days from South Korea. 

For Thanksgiving, we have been invited to dinner and only asked to bring some serving spoons. It'll work out because they will come and visit us on Christmas Eve. 

Christmas Eve is special because we have our beautiful Candlelit service and then family will come back to the house for buffet and gifts.

Hopefully you have some beautiful plans for this special time of the year, and have some of your tasks done. It's easier to enjoy when you have time to just sit down and enjoy. I wish that for you!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Coupe Grey Cup!!

Now, I have never really been a big football fan. I like baseball and I understand baseball, so that is my favorite! 

Since the Versus network in the United States today carried the Canadian Football Championship Game – The Grey Cup – from Montreal, we watched. Hubby Keith is very interested in all sports and was a quarterback at Rose-Hulman (okay, it was Rose Poly then) in Terre Haute, Indiana

Keith says Canadian football is a little bit faster game and there are a couple of rules that make it a little better than our football. 

Reggie McNeal from Lufkin was playing with the Toronto Argos (Argonauts) this year. Now, if they had been in the Grey Cup, everyone here would have been watching! 

The Calgary Stampeders are playing the Montreal Alouettes in Montreal at the Olympic Stadium which is covered. 

It is always nice to see at least a bit of home – like the Tim Horton Ads around the field. (There are a few Tim Horton shops in the northern U.S. They have donuts, sandwiches and soups. Everybody loves them and you can find one just about everywhere in Canada.) 

If you read Frank Hilliard’s blog, Mesopotamia West, you will know he is not too keen on the bilingual/multicultural aspect of Canada. Before I left Canada, we were all working hard to keep Quebec in the Canadian Federation and we succeeded, but by less than a percentage point. Why they want to be out of Canada has always been a puzzle to me and I try not to think about it, especially since I am in the South now. I recall a couple from church going to Mt. Tremblant and wondering why people did not wish to speak to them in English. That is very bad for tourism! 

We were long into the game today when I thought I would double-check on the bilingual signage on the screen – Coupe Grey Cup. Keith just thought “Coupe” was a sponsor and hadn’t thought much about it! Pretty good for a fellow who speaks a couple of languages in addition to English! 

The bilingual aspect and more, the unilingual French in Quebec makes it a little tough for people like me down here. 

When I first arrived in East Texas and went to the library, a woman at the front desk wanted me to speak some French to a fellow who was taking French at school. 

I have said before that Quebec has done a lot of PR over the years, speaking at Chamber of Commerce meetings, etc. in New York City, for instance. Quebec Province has done a better job at promoting Quebec than Canada has done promoting Canada. That is really too bad, because right now, for instance, the monetary exchange favors American tourists. A lot of Americans like to fish and hunt and Canada has terrific spots for them to visit. 

I think the one thing that Americans do not really understand is that about 80% of the Canadian population lives without 200 miles of the border. So, the “Great White North” is pretty sparsely populated. If you look at the five different time zones, you also get a feel for the expanse of Canada. If Canada would do a little more PR, it would result in more tourism dollars. 

British Columbia offers a very different holiday from Ontario and certainly from The Maritimes. I am very fortunate to have visited every province but one (Manitoba) and there is definitely a different flavor to each region. 

One thing every American tells me about their trip to Canada was the cleanliness! Some also talk about the beauty and friendliness. Most people I talk to have been to British Columbia, a few to Toronto (not other parts of Ontario) and a few to Nova Scotia. There are direct flights from Houston to Toronto and Calgary and some people have been on cruise ships to Vancouver and Nova Scotia

Perhaps it is time for Mr. Hilliard to start harassing the Canadian government to do more advertising to entice American tourists.

Oh, yes - Calgary won the Coupe Grey Cup!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


One of the  things about Texas that was new to me was catfish and you know, I didn't mention it in my book! Somethings I got so used to, that I now take them for granted.

Now, we did see catfish on a menu about six years ago in Toronto but I had never heard of it before coming here.

It is a delicate and delicious fish and we just were at Catfish King tonight.  I think most catfish are farm-raised. If you see a catfish farm, you see very tidy ponds full of the fish. You can have it baked but the most popular is fried. It is meticulously breaded and they must fry it in oil but it is never oily or greasy. 

They have a great salad bar and beans come with the dinner. We change out the hushpuppies and fries for a baked potato. So it is really a pretty healthy meal. I have never seen anyone eating dessert at Catfish King so everyone must be pretty full with their first course. 

I am sure I will hear from someone if they have been eating catfish in Canada. Just thought I'd check!

Friday, November 21, 2008

What Does Our Lhasa Apso, Buddy, Say About Us?

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At, there is an article on what your breed of dog says about you.  As you know, I have picked a Bichon Frise for the New First Family and I see they have picked a Poodle. That's okay . . . 

Now, the people at Forbes have not yet met Buddy, our Lhasa Apso, and there were no comments on this breed. 

If you take a close look at Buddy above, as compared to Buddy below (when he was first with us), you will surmise that Buddy has pretty much got Keith and me figured out. He knows we are animal lovers and probably will let him get away with a bit of attitude, which he definitely has! Buddy is also very smart and is very close to outwitting us sometimes. 

It is not a given that any dog will follow the known traits for his breed, and I had a Lhasa named Garbo (2) who proved that. She lived up to the "Lhasas live to eat" motto but she just did not get it when we went to obedience school together. She was shown and she just could not really grasp that either. Garbo was not a big time learner.

Buddy is nothing like Garbo except possibly for size. You know I have described him as Texas-size. 

Buddy catches on to just about everything very quickly and has by now a pretty extensive vocabulary he understands. 

So, what does all this say about what Buddy says about us? 

Does it say that Buddy has access to all the business magazines on the coffee table?

Does it say that Buddy is smarter than we are? Does it say that we let Buddy do whatever he likes?

Well, not exactly. Buddy is a reflection of a very happy household where he is an only. He knows he is loved and he knows that he is treated with utmost respect. He also knows he can wrap either of us around his paw and most of all:

Buddy knows that after I read the Bible Passage and Keith reads the Daily Devotion, that if he comes to the breakfast table to listen carefully to the Prayer, he will get a little dish of vanilla ice cream.

Does this make Buddy a religious being? Not unless you look at a second meaning for the word RELIGION: specific form of belief and practice (Webster). Buddy believes that if he practices coming to Keith as he reads the Prayer, he will get vanilla ice cream. 

How does Buddy know this? Smart dog!

Giving Up The Corporate Jets - That's a Start!

Well, looks like General Motors Execs are starting to listen to all of us! Today it was announced that they will give up two corporate jets (after executives were blasted on Capitol Hill).

Well, let's hear from Ford and Chrysler! 

Let's also hear that there will be no bonus payments for these executives this year! Why should we taxpayers be the only ones to have lumps of coal in our stockings this Christmas?

Since we the taxpayers are the ones who would bail these people out and we are the ones who are having to live more frugally every day, it is  time that these "big guys" started to live a little more like we are having to this year!

Am I the only one who is wondering why the big three automakers do not declare bankrupcy? That is what the airlines have done and they have come back. Why, oh why, would John Q. Public have to support any large corporation? 

Did they mean to put us on their retirement roster to receive a big pension and a handsome medical plan? I think not!
Get real! Lose the freebies and live like the rest of us. We stockowners are losing more and more every day because of your foolish notions of superiority! You work for us! It's time to remember that!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bumpy Road To Texas - Exerpt from Buddy The Lhasa Apso's Chapter

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Buddy the Lhasa Apso 

 Harry, the Shih Tzu was the last to go and like so many other people, we said that would be it: no more dogs, no more pets! 

 Well, that lasted for about five weeks. 

 I thought I would like a different breed since I would not be breeding and I thought about two breeds I had owned: Boxer and Lhasa Apso. 

 One day, there were both breeds listed in the classified column. 

 Long story short, the Lhasa breeder, Lucas Lhasas, was on a street named Martha up in Nacogdoches. We took our blue Lincoln Town Car over and Keith was counting on me to know what I was doing that day! 

 There were some puppies – all cute and I asked to have each up on a table. Mr. Lucas obliged and I went over a beige one. The dog was not as interested in me as I would like, so I asked to go over a bigger, older and very colorful dog who was eyeing me. He was solid and I would have to say – for John’s liking – rather large: Texas size! 

 I asked to see him in a home environment and they took us into a living room where the mother jumped up on top of my neck and there was a little madness all round. Ah, yes, this was a true dog fancier! 

 He had no name and he was already ten months old but I really liked him. He was a little shy but very, very pretty with beiges, ambers, silvers. He had potential and his body was lovely and sturdy. 

 It took both Mr. Lucas and Keith to get the young fellow out to the car and into a wire crate we had brought. It was raining a little and the chauffeured Lhasa seemed rather nervous on the way back to Lufkin. We discussed the matter of a name and Buddy just seemed to suit. At that time, we did not know that Buddy was currently the number one male dog name. 

 We stopped at Wal-Mart where I bought him a couple of things and we continued back to the house. 

 Buddy was shy, nervous and fearful for the first two days. Then for the next two weeks, he was just nervous. 

 Buddy is five now and he has adapted to Keith and me so well, it is amazing. We thank God every day that we found this dog who loves us both very much. He is very true to the characteristics of the breed, very much the guard dog and yet a bit of a clown. 

 Buddy is the most analytical of the dogs I have had in that he loves his toys and tends to post them in the yard to help him in his guarding duties. He also will line up similar colored toys, and will go to the box to seek out someone special. Never have I seen a dog who marshals his toys as Buddy does. 

 Of course, we have three places for leads and try to always be at the ready to get a hold of him because Buddy, although a better listener than when he was younger, likes to do his own thing when someone comes to the door. 

 I guess John was watching over me the day I picked Buddy. Buddy has been such a blessing for us! 

(Explanation: my late husband, John Devlin, was an international all-breed dog show judge.)

Copyright 2008 Martha Sutton - Bumpy Road To Texas is available at

or e-mail us at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Peanut Butter and Jelly . . . That's What We Like Best . . . YUM! YUM! YUM!

Now the Peanut Butter and Jelly song that David Foster composed years ago for his young family in British Columbia, Canada may not be his best known work. It is the one I think of when I hear his name and I can sing it as well!

David Foster is up to 15 Grammy wins. He has produced for Anne Murray and Celine Dion and many top celebrities. 

Of course, I am focusing on the Canadians - including David Foster - because especially once I came to Texas, I realized that one of Canada's greatest exports to the United States is entertainers. 

Next month there will be a special focusing on Mr. Foster and his work over the years. 

Proud of you, David Foster!

Al Qaeda - Way Too Much Reality!

The remarks made public today from Al Qaeda regarding President-Elect, Barack Obama show a less than school child mentality and nothing like a diplomatic approach.

If I hated being taunted as fat when I was a kid, how would I feel if I had been given the mandate of the American people to be President and someone called me a "House Negro"?

That "N" word is not used down here in the South but I guess it is unrealistic to think that these people are going to be politically correct!

Time to put some solid armor under that plain suit and tie, Mr. Obama. Time to have a few more secret service people around you. Time for the American people to pray and pray sincerely that this man is kept safe from harm.

This is the man who sees life as the assembly line worker, not from the CEO's point of view and we need him very badly right now. 

Be safe, Mr. Obama and God Bless!

Reality on a Soap Opera! The Woodruff Foundation Shows The Way

Today on All My Children (ABC)  there will be an introduction of reality. I haven't watched soap operas in about 40 years. I have always felt that the everyday world holds lots of drama for me, but perhaps my life has been more interesting than some. 

Well, today, a man called JR - and that is not J.R. Ewing - will be introduced into the cast. He is a real person who has fought his way back from serious burns and injuries incurred in Iraq to try to live a normal life back home. The little clip I saw of him made me feel pretty good about this. Finally some real, solid material for viewers to learn how the real world is. The more people learn about real and less about posh, the closer we will be to fixing a lot of the things that are wrong these days!

Incidentally, the Woodruff Foundation has a hand in this - that's newsman Bob Woodruff and his wife!

Economy 101: CEOs Can Learn From Assembly Line Workers - How to Manage Without Handouts!

So, today is a big news day! Let's get the Economy 101 out of the way and mention that it is time for the companies requesting bailouts to put their jets on E-Bay as Gov. Sarah Palin did. It's time to brown bag it at lunch time and it's time to learn the ways of the "real world".

I have always hated it when someone with all the trappings asks me for some money - or worse still, a loan they will never pay back. Wake Up! All you CEOs need to get a reality check from the people on the assembly line. Those are the folks without whom you would not even have a job! Take off that Brooks Brothers suit and put on your best sports shirt and sweater and head out to the plant. Talk to the individuals without whom you would be unemployed. Ask them about the grocery prices,  the heating bills, the possibility of sending their kids to college. You might just get some answers on how the real world lives. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beware of a Man with a Bushel of Apples!

I see a report today that suggests that corporations will be downsizing their Christmas gifts to employees. Well, I should hope so! And further, let's hope there is nothing but coal in the stockings of those obscenely paid and bonused executives of the companies needing financial help!

Although just we oldsters know this and young people tend to pooh pooh it, history keeps repeating itself. So, if you live long enough, you will see lots of stuff you have seen before!

In 1960, I was at my first job as a sales secretary for a heavy equipment jobber in Toronto.  The company had sold their land to what was then the O'Keefe Center (now Hummingbird) on Front Street in Toronto. They had built a large new building where they had all kinds of heavy equipment on display and beautiful, large open office with nice break room upstairs. 

The location was not great and I took a bus, the subway and then a streetcar to get there. But it was my first job. Yup - I had forty interviews coming out of Weller College and this was the one place who would take a chance on me.

Coming up to Christmas, the women who had worked there for several years were all anxious to tell me about the holiday time the year before.

The head office was in Montreal and the staff had been receiving beautiful Christmas bonuses. One gal mentioned she had purchased a fur coat one year and several talked about being able to cover their holiday presents with the generous gifts.

Well, the year before, the employees were anticipating the same treatment they had become used to and many had purchased expensive Christmas gifts for their families.

Imagine their surprise when one of the Montreal executives came through the office with -- no, no, you are not ready for this -- a bushel basket of apples from the Quebec Eastern Townships -- as THE Christmas treat for the employees!

Because it was my first job, I really just filed the story as I was not expecting anything from my employer. I was not disappointed although one salesman did give me a bottle of wine with a poem attached. (I have to mention here I was underage in Ontario.) 

The manager of my department - The Furnace Department - took the three salesmen, the order desk person and myself for Christmas Eve lunch to a less than best restaurant. The big present for me, personally, was that I had to go back to work to finish more letters for this manager, while most of the rest of the staff went home. 

So, that is 48 years ago and it is long overdue for some of the muckety-mucks who are receiving these pornographic salaries to have a big bite of that apple this year!

For you younger folks, my salary was $195 which nets out to about $45 a week. I made up for it in class by having my bank account at the King Edward Hotel Branch which was spelled out on any checks I wrote.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Grass Always Looks Greener On The Other Side!

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know I came to East Texas from the Toronto Area because I fell in love with and married Keith. That was a pretty good reason to come to United States and I still feel exceptionally good about it.  However, it has had its stressful moments!

A change in government and painful economy are not even on the list of reasons to move from Canada to United States or from United States to Canada. The economic crisis is everywhere!

In this morning's paper, I read that the day after the election, the hits at the Canadian Immigration website were 'way up. 

The Canadian dollar right now is somewhere around 80 cents, so that might be a small benefit. But when you take a look at the cost of real estate, you will find your dollar does not go nearly as far in Canada as it does in the United States.

Moving the things you would like to take to Canada does not come cheap. So there is another cost.

Finding a job is always a stress, if you are under retirement age.

Speaking of retiring, are you sure you wouldn't miss your friends and family? How 'bout the warmer weather? (They don't call Florida the 11th Province without reason!)

In United States, we do not have socialized medicine but we also can get needed surgery and other procedures very quickly! In Lufkin, we have one of the finest medical communities anywhere. We have two hospitals, all equipment and specialists of every discipline. I often think about how much better a life there is for a doctor's family living in a smaller community than in the big city.

Eleven years ago, I recall my cousin talking about $16 parking for an hour at Toronto Mt.Sinai Hospital and there has been a subsidy for parents parking at Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. We even had a toll booth at the Port Hope Hospital - I mention that in my book. 

Parking at our Lufkin Hospitals is not only free; at Memorial, there is a complimentary valet service. Hello? I said complimentary valet parking! 

Canada and the United States are so much alike when it comes to the basics, that you would be soon wondering just why you made a huge decision to do that!

Of course, moving your home and changing your job are two of the top stresses you can have in your life.

Stick around - you're gonna find a lot of good things happening when Barack Obama moves into the White House! Keep watching this ordinary fellow with the plain ties who has his eyes set on a better life for everyone.

Remember what Mama told you -

"Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire!"

"The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side!"

Have a fine day and just do what you do with more enthusiasm today and see how you feel about your life at the end of the day!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How Embarrassing Was That???

There's no going back once you are in the spotlight and the Obama girls just found that out! The day after the Election, their mother took them into school, presumably because it was 10:00 a.m. Apparently everyone was waiting for them and made a bit of a fuss that their father was now going to be the 44th President of the United States of America!

"Well, that was embarrassing", was the remark! Don't you just love it?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Suitable Weather . . . For a Book About a Canadian Moving to Texas!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Angel of Joy Fall Festival today to support our launching of my book, Bumpy Road to Texas! 

One would think we were in Canada today as the weather was in the 50s and extremely windy!

The high point was my purchasing a knitted scarf from Inge Geye and a knitted hat from another booth. Then, my friend, Vicky brought me gloves! (We generally run the house air-conditioning Christmas week, so this is unusual.)

The low point was when our tent collapsed while Janice Ann Rowe was chatting to us. She was so cheerful about it! She was on her way to even rougher activities - The Lufkin Panther Football Game! (Lufkin won 28 - 22 with a last second touchdown.)

Another hightlight was Ava being there and some of my scrapbooking friends stopping by!

Hopefully, my next book signing will be indoors!

Fall Festival at Angel of Joy Lutheran Church, Lufkin, Texas - 10 - 4 Today!





Friday, November 14, 2008

Bumpy Road To Texas by Martha Sutton

This is Ava, very interested in the white Standard Poodle in my curio cabinet. Tomorrow, Keith & I will be introducing my book, Bumpy Road to Texas. This is my story and Ava is part of my story because I had never had a little girl give me as much joy as she has. If you are in the Lufkin area, please come and visit us at the Angel of Joy Lutheran Fall Festival, across from Angelina College from 10 to 4.
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Get On Board!

If you go to, you can enter your e-mail address at the upper right corner and be part of President-Elect Barack Obama's transition to the White House.

You can find out what is going on and even apply for a job.

In an AP article this morning, it is stated that Peter Daou who ran Internet Operations for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said that her campaign's Web outreach was limited by the fact that older people and lower-income people--demographic groups most supportive of the former first lady--weren't using the Internet for communications. 

It is indicated that Barack Obama will have to find ways to reach these people.

Now, I am a senior and Hubby & I and many of my friends definitely use the Internet for communicating every day! 

I can understand the comment about lower-income people and some seniors not using the internet.

I want to encourage everyone to go to this website and learn exactly what is being done to make changes before January 20th so if there is a crisis, President Barack Obama will be ready to act. 

For anyone who is discouraged over the results of the election, you need to get over that and move on. Many of us have contributed over the years to the Negro College Fund and have been encouraging African-Americans to become educated.

Well, Barack Obama is educated and so is his wife. He thinks extremely quickly and well on his feet, and has a sense of humor about his background. He knows who he is and where he came from. He has no misconceptions or delusions about that.

By using the Internet, he collected his campaign money - $5 by $5 and had money left over to buy time at the beginning of the World Series! You gotta love this!

If you are a senior and are reading this, then you already have computer smarts. Keep working at this and upgrade to DSL, if you have not already. (Everything is quicker and easier with DSL.) Encourage your senior friends to learn how to navigate the Internet. Some are already communicating via e-mail to family.  There are courses targeted to seniors at community colleges but perhaps it is time for retirement communities to have their own courses and help centers. 

We are in tough times that will require more than the fundamental wits used in the 30s such as having a back-up of canned goods in the  cupboards. (In hurricane country, we have those cans ready anyway!)

We need to speak up and write letters and be part of the government. We need a lot more than a few bandages to fix the economy this time!

The CEOs and executives who have - and apparently still are - lived live to the fullest extent at the expense of their stockholders need to be held accountable. If you read accounts of how these people are living and the property they own, you can see that limits must be imposed.

I think the bonus and packages (for entering and leaving a company) these people have been receiving are obscene. Surely some of you reading this agree with me, so I will go one step further and say what follows. If you have any investments such as stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds, then in reality you are "the boss" of the company where the CEO and other executives work. So, you do have a say. Write a letter to the company! If you are near where their annual meeting is held, attend it! Many companies now have meetings online - go there!

I hear sometimes about the American Way and control over companies would not be the American Way. 

Well, when companies ask the American Government to bail them out - or simply put, "Give us some money, we are out of money", then it becomes the American Way to tell them, 

You will have to pull your act together or you will be out of business!" (Think about a teenager going to his parents for some more money and you have the idea!)

I will not go any further, because I usually stay away from writing things to get people upset, but let me wind this down by saying:

Do you want the "American Way" (lots of freedom to make all of us broke) or do you want a good life where you have enough money to pay your bills, including a fine education for your children and their children so you can retire in peace and not have to watch the business channel on an hourly basis?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


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Exerpt from Foreword – copyright Martha Sutton 2008 

 I am a naturally outgoing person and even though it might have gotten me into trouble as a youngster, I think it helped me tremendously to move into the Texas culture, which is somewhat different from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Yes, people are the same no matter where they live, in that they pretty much have the same dreams and hopes for their own success and that of their children.   

 I wanted to write this book now, while it is still easy to recall and to graph for others that it is absolutely possible – at even an older age – to turn your life around. I feel that from being a “poor little me”, I have been blessed to have just about the finest life a person could have. Surely it has come later in life and I do not have the energy to do all the things I would still like to do.

 That Keith and I should find each other online (in a widow/widower support group) while living 1,600 miles apart, coming from diverse backgrounds truly is the story I have to tell. We are coming up to twelve years married and have made a fabulous life together. Sure, we have a few arguments and sure he loves to wear white socks with just about everything, but we are an inseparable team. Even more than loving each other so very much, I think it is our constant thirst for knowledge of current events and inventions, our genuine love of other people and our faith that keep us moving ahead together. 

 I have chosen to write concise chapters as I know my readers must budget their time. It is much easier to pick up this book, read two or three chapters and put it back down till next time. I know you cannot (or should not) be up till 3:00 a.m. reading. 

 Super Hubby Keith has encouraged me to write and have this book published. He has trekked with me to writers conferences, edited and generally made it easy for me to keep writing over the years. 

 My background was, as you might sense, a little more formal. I was used to dressing more formally and still have some difficulties with the casual lifestyle in East Texas. While Houston is a lot like Toronto, East Texas is a lot more like Ontario Cottage Country. Frequently I think about what we called God’s Country, Lake Muskoka, Ontario. There are many similarities here in East Texas, even though we do not have the massive lakes here. 

 Of course, people all over Texas are friendly and that was something I had had no trouble getting  used to. 

 My story may or may not be anything like yours. You may relate to it or you may not. But I surely hope you enjoy reading about my journey!

Bumpy Road To Texas - The Last Valentine: An Exerpt

The Last ValentineSupport independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu. 

 copyright Martha Sutton 2008

The mind is a very fragile thing and watching a stroke patient teaches us if we carefully observe. My mother had had a stroke about twenty years before, so this was not entirely new to me. 

 One day, John did something that made me pause to reconsider how he was thinking. It gave me a little glimpse into how he might be seeing things, or how he might be thinking. 

 I took crayons and paper. John took hold of a bright crayon and made a chain of X’s and O’s: hugs and kisses like he used to put on my Valentines cards. I picked up a crayon and drew hugs and kisses back to him. The corner of his mouth was upturned, almost into a smile! 

 Another evening, a nurse showed me a watercolor painting John had done that day. I’m not sure what it was but he used the brightest blue and sunniest yellow too, with brush strokes that must have taken great patience. He might not have been as sad as I was!  

 John was listening to poetry one day. The young girl was tall and fair. Her name was Carly who came by now and then to visit the residents at Regency Manor. 

John patted Sadie’s head although he did not remember that Sadie was his dog. He was eating parsnips now. I guess he forgot he did not like them! Dad asked for Billy and Ed and Grandma. 

 I felt John was more tranquil now. He did not always call me by name but he knew that someone “safe” was there. 

 He often mentioned that he had been born in Scotland and sometimes talked about people from the old days – people who were now dead. 

 One day, my cousins came in from Eastern Ontario and had their Miniature Schnauzer with them. Now, you have to think about John being an all-round judge who knew all the standards for all the dog breeds, say over 150 of them. 

 He looked at Duke and said, 

 “I remember you. You are German. You were our enemy during the war. You are a nice fellow.”  John patted Duke who stood proud. 

 So, John’s mind remembered some of the details of the breed but not the name of the breed. He knew Duke was a good representative. 

 Later in the year, when it was our wedding anniversary, the nurses at Regency Manor set a special table for John and me to have dinner. There was a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and some fancy napkins. I was nicely surprised and thought this was a kind gesture from the staff. John did not realize any of it but that was not the point. We were together and it was our last anniversary – 18. 

 When you no longer can communicate with your spouse, you must rely upon your memories and think back on all the anniversary dinners and Valentine cards. 

 Severe illness, to some extent, teaches us to be gentler to those we love and remember that today is what we have. For tomorrow is guaranteed to no person.

Something We Don't Do In Texas!

Of course, you know that  photo reminds me of Muskoka (Ontario Cottage Country) and snowmobiling and that is just part of what you will see if you tune in Greta Van Susterern's program (Part 2) with Gov. Sarah Palin tonight.  It's a little colder up there, and we don't see those hooded jackets much here in Texas.

We watched Part 1 last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Greta Van Susterern was a lawyer and came to prominence during the O.J. Simpson Trial I, as did many others. (If nothing else good came from that, several of the players went on to prominence in other fields.)

Greta is just the person to go to Alaska to interview Sarah on her home turf.  Last night, I enjoyed watching Sarah in her kitchen in her clean business outfit with no apron. (If I am going to make something in my kitchen, I either wear casual clothes or don one of my aprons from my collection.) 

I gather that tonight we will see Moose Chili made. Last night, Sarah appeared to be skinning brats and inserting a piece of cheese, all the time not skipping a beat of the conversation. You gotta love it!

For me, I am still happy to have seen a woman of the calibre of Sarah Palin come to prominence. I do feel that she was given very little time to become familiar with national politics and campaigns.  

Now, I am waiting to see Greta on a snowmobile under Todd Palin's tutorage. Greta came from Wisconsin so this is probably not her first adventure on the machine that made us go up to Cottage Country in wintertime. 

I frighten myself when I think of me snowmobiling in the 70s. I tired quickly of riding behind my then husband. Since I had a neighbor in Barrie, Ontario who worked for Yamaha, I was able to purchase a Yamaha demo with a racing ski and had a blast with it! Snowmobiling is something we definitely don't do in Texas!

I see that the water is frozen and they will have a clear shot to go pretty fast. Tune in tonight on Fox News to see just how fast Greta can make that brute go!

I could hear dogs in the background and I think Todd also does some dog sled racing. So, he has my attention there!

If you are really observant, you might see in the kitchen, a moose ornament around the double light switches! 

When I watch, you know I always look for the obscure details!

Have a blessed day and be glad that we have fresh faces on our political scene!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Would You Like to Try Out Your New Chair?

Say what you want about President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, but they are among the most hospitable people to ever inhabit the White House. 

President-Elect, Barack Obama will be visiting - with his wife Michelle and their two daughters -  today and they will find this out for themselves.

I sort of envision George W. asking Barack if he would like to try out his new chair. He likes to make people feel at home! 

Even as bad as George W's approval rating is these days, I imagine most people would accept an invitation to the White House or to the ranch!

Laura has always thought through carefully plans for visitors and has a wonderful way for imagining how the other person would be comfortable.

Hopefully, we will see some pictures today of the Obamas' visit because George and Laura will make them feel like royalty! You can count on that!

Southern Methodist University (SMU) will be the site of George W's Library and so the younger Bushes will be making their home in Dallas-Ft. Worth/the Metroplex. I have only stayed in Ft. Worth once and have been through Dallas a few times. It is a very stylish area and they will be able to have a beautiful home there.  Think Neiman-Marcus and you are on track.

The Bushes Senior (George H.W. & Barbara) live in Houston and his library is at Texas A & M in Bryan/College Station. I have often commented on them being at the Houston Astros games in owner Drayton McLane's box.

Many of you know that George W. was one of the owners of the Texas Rangers, based in Arlington, near Dallas.  The family loves baseball! In a book about her, Laura explains that she likes baseball so much because it is a "social" experience. You can watch the game and still have a conversation with the person next to you.

For several months now, I have thought about George W. marking off the days on this calendar till they get back to the ranch in Crawford, Texas. Perhaps not every son is cut out to be in the "family business" as Prince Charles of England likes to call it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Better Job for Mike Huckabee!

Have only caught Mike Huckabee a couple of times on Fox News but he looks like a great addition to the team. This is a much better job than President, but then you knew that, right?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

The "Singin' Rage, Miss Patti Page, is 81 today! When I was a teenager, I loved to listen to all Patti Page's songs - not just How Much Is That Doggie In The Window? She had a nice, small waist and wore beautiful dresses with full skirts with crinolines underneath and she could really belt out a song. They were melodic songs like Tennessee Waltz, Old Cape Cod, Allegheny Moon, Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte, I Went To Your Wedding, You Belong To Me, Cross Over The Bridge, Steam Heat, Let Me Go, Lover, You Can't Be True, Dear. 

If you are about my age, I bet you can hum at least half of those songs. In the 50s, when we had wonderful variety shows to watch on TV,  you could tune in and watch her frequently. 

She is originally from Oklahoma, has been married twice  and today she and her hubby run a maple syrup business in New Hampshire. They also have a home in San Diego, California. 

Doesn't make me feel old and it is nice to think about and hum all those great classics! 

Have a fine day and do go to a Bazaar or Festival near you today!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The First Dog?

The other day I wrote about what breed of dog the Obama First Family might be choosing! Listening to Barack Obama's press conference today, I want to give you the choice from those breeds mentioned the other day. The Bichon Frise is the breed from those I mentioned that is good for people with allergies.  This was stipulated by Mr. Obama today and he says it is the number one topic of interest at his website.

Anyone interested in finding out what breed of dog is most suitable for their family should go to the American Kennel Club website. 

Some of you know that I was deeply immersed in the Purebred Dog Fancy for more than 18 years. I bred and showed Shih Tzu and have also owned Boxer, Lhasa Apso and Scottish Terriers. 

Of course, I have no idea what breed the Obamas will pick but I still am trying to keep my mind focused on light and happy things as I hope you are too.


Rev. Billy Graham is 90 years old today. Everybody knows of this man who has been a consultant to presidents and is probably most remembered for his Billy Graham Crusades. The Crusades from past decades are still broadcast and, of course, they always ended with the singing of “Just As I Am” being sung while the audience walked up to the front to receive Christ as their savior.

You don’t have to be a believer to acknowledge that Billy Graham, a gentle and humble man, has been one of the most influential and recognizable people of the past 100 years.

 Here is what he says about living so long: 

“I suppose my first thought about living so long is one of surprise! I never thought I’d live this long; when I was growing up, I can’t recall that any members of our family lived to this age. I thank God for giving me such a long and full life — and above all, my feeling is one of deep gratitude to him for all his blessings. Often in recent days I have recalled the Bible’s words in Lamentations 3:22-23: ‘His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.’

“I look forward to heaven. But in the meantime, my goal is to be faithful to Christ until he calls me home. May this be your goal as well.” © 2008 Tribune Media Services 11/7 

         Happy Birthday, Billy Graham!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New President and New Trends!

Today was a day to clear all the magazines and catalogs from the coffee table and put them in recycle which goes out tonight. Tomorrow is a day to clean the carpet, dust and vacuum. 

It’s time to get away from the TV, tidy up and move on with living. 

Down here, we have the Thanksgiving banner flying and decoration on the door. 

Did you forget your To Do List? You should have one, so put pen to paper and make one to get yourself back on track! 

Looks like things will be a little different and we all want to be ready so let’s get our house in order! History has been made and we will want to be part of it! 

We noticed that Barack Obama always looks neat and tidy. So, watch for new fashion trends. I’m serious about that! Barack Obama’s collar on his white shirt was so stiff, so perfect the other night, I was kind of wondering if the starch was hurting his neck! If you believe at all in Dress for Success, then we will be having some pretty plain outfits for the men. Mr. Obama dresses crisp and plain. 

Some people didn’t like Michelle Obama’s dress the other night. That’s good. “Let’s give them something to talk about!” I saw splashes of red on it but I didn’t see anything wrong with it. She always looks neat and tidy as do their girls. So, I think we will see a trend toward more tidy dressing. 

Now, if we are going to look for an event, let’s look for the puppy that the Obama’s have promised their daughters to take to the White House! 

Did you know there have been dogs in the White House during just about every administration? I should not hazard a guess on the breed they will chose! I like Retrievers for families or possibly a Boxer. Hmmm . . . a Boxer would be very good for the Obama family . . . 

Hubby feels perhaps a Saluki would go good. (Hubby is originally from Southern Illinois and the mascot for Southern Illinois University is the Saluki.) 

I should tell you that I have a feeling for the Bichon Frise as well. 

So, there is something different for you to talk about today. 

Have a fine day and don’t buy anything too fussy for your hubby for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day is Here!

The dream of Martin Luther King is reality.  

My neighbor is looking down from above and forgiving the bus driver who sent him to the back of the bus when he returned - in uniform - from serving his county. 

This is a baby step, a beginning, because one person, one night, one election, probably cannot make every change. 

If you do not live in the South, then you cannot begin to understand the suppression, the meanness, the oppression that has happened - even within my lifetime! (I can just barely believe the stories I have been told.)

There is a very old expression about walking in the other person's moccasins.

Barack Obama is President-Elect of the United States of America. He and his wife have worked hard to educate themselves. They have struggled.  They believe in family. They are not from elitist backgrounds - no, they have worked for everything they have achieved. They are a lot more like the average American than most presidential families have been.

God Bless America and God Bless Barack Obama.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bumpy Road To Texas Is Ready!

You can now purchase Bumpy Road to Texas by going to Just click on the icon to the right and it will take you right to it!

You can read a foreword at

Hope you enjoy my story!

Best of Both Worlds!

There is something very special tonight about tuning in C-Span 2 and watching CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) TV coverage with Peter Mansbridge of The American Election! I love it! Usually I have to be in Canada to see my old favorites, but tonight, I can sit in my Texas recliner! 

Veggies for Meghan!

For me, writing has always been second nature. Writing a blog each day is a lot of fun and I never run out of ideas. There is always something topical or a story to tell. 

So, on Election Day, I should be writing about that? Maybe not. 

No, this morning an advertisement in a supplement to this morning's paper provides today's topic.

First, let me tell you that early this evening, Turner Classic Movies will show "Psycho",  so that would certainly be a diversion from the economy and the Election!  Always looking for diversions, you know!

Got some great news yesterday and that is that we will be seeing granddaughter Meghan sometime around Christmas. For us, heck, that could be anytime to Easter and we would still celebrate! 

All of you who have children and grandchildren in the Military,  we know you miss them dearly! I just wonder if they knew just how much we miss them! I sure hope so.

Hubby asked this morning if I thought Meghan ever looks at this blog and I said cheerfully, "Oh, I imagine she does . . . sometimes!"

The Army has Meghan in South Korea, so we are probably more fortunate than families whose children are in major war zones. But, we miss her just the same!

I like to tease Meghan because it keeps me from really letting her know how many times we pray for her and actually cry that she is so far away from us.

I send her e-mails and I tell her that, "Tonight we are eating macaroni in your honor!" I try to envision her smile as she reads what must seem a little silly. But silly is good  and silly gets us through a lot of stuff!

Since joining the Army, Meghan is eating a more rounded diet but that girl sure did like carbs and in particular she was a big fan of mashed potatoes, angel cake with strawberries on top,  and of course,  macaroni!

When her Grandpa was still a widow, he used to make macaroni for the girls after picking them from school. Of course, he was their hero!

I know you ARE reading this, Meghan, and after almost twelve years, I have to tell you that I look very carefully at the chocolate I buy to make sure that there are no NUTS in it.  (Yes, yes, the nut is the one who is writing this.)

We try to make light because we do miss you so very much. We will be counting down to your coming home.

Oh, and yes, yes: Knorr has a brand new product and we sure will be happy to make it for you when you are here: Knorr Sides Plus: Macaroni and Cheese - with two full servings of veggies! In fact, we will just go and buy some today and eat it tonight in your honor!  Veggies, indeed!

Love you and all the men and women who are away from home, serving our Country. Remember, your families miss you very, very much!